

The Festival will be taking place in Hulda Forest.


Choose Climate and travel together!
The Climate Solutions Festival encourages attendees to consider carpooling or joining our complimentary shuttle services for registered participants.

Shuttle services

Morning Shuttles will be departing from the following locations at the time slots shown below:

Shuttle Schedule (free for all registered participants)

Tel Aviv

Savidor Merkaz Bus Terminal

Departure: 8:00 AM


Rehovot Railway Station

Departure: 8:30 AM

Mazkeret Batya

Mazkeret Batya Railway Station

Runs Hourly from 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM (*) 

(*) See Arrival by Train for more details

Afternoon shuttle services returning from the conference to the above locations will be offered for all pre-registered participants at 5:00 PM.

Arrival by train

A free hourly shuttle from Mazkeret Batya railway station to the Festival grounds will run throughout the day from 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM.
This complimentary shuttle is sychronized with the train schedule arriving from Tel Aviv. To find your train ride, check out: www.rail.co.il


*Schedule of travel may change to accommodate alterations in traffic and train schedules. The exact hour will be shared with participants that have pre-registered for shuttle services closer to the date.


Recommended Hotels
Accomodations in Rehovot (close proximity to the venue):